Myth-Busting Facebook Ads for Insurance

Myth-Busting Facebook Ads for Insurance

Over the past few years, many Facebook changes have made getting organic non-paid engagement with Facebook users more difficult. Additionally, changes to Facebook’s reporting metrics have made it more difficult to gauge results accurately when managing Facebook Ads.

Recently, Gillan Boyer, The Brokerage Inc.’s Marketing Director, invited Bob Whitis, BrightFire’s Director of Operations, onto their podcast, The Broker Link, to help debunk common myths about Facebook Ads for the insurance industry and explore paid advertising alternatives. 

Get a summary of the podcast episode below, or listen to the full podcast episode from The Broker Link here.

Facebook Ads vs. Google Ads

  • iOS privacy updates made by Apple and Facebook algorithm updates since 2021 have made Facebook’s ad targeting less accurate because it now knows less about its users.
  • These updates result in an overall decrease in ad performance and personalization, as well as an increase in cost per action.
  • Facebook Ads has over 350 different metrics and ad terms, but 240 of these metrics are “estimated,” making it much more difficult to make informed decisions about managing an advertising campaign.
  • Facebook Ads interrupt the user’s session as they browse their newsfeed, whereas Google Ads are timely because they are only shown when someone conducts a Google search.
  • Agents can also use display ads in Google Ads to create a retargeting campaign to target users who have previously visited their website, making ads more relevant. 

Best Practices to Create Engaging Organic Facebook Content

  • The average Facebook post will reach just over 5% of your followers (Neil Patel).
  • Facebook posts have an average engagement rate of only 0.07% among page followers (Statista).
  • Post consistency is more important than frequency. 
  • Invite policyholders to follow your company page by sending an email blast to policyholders or including your social media links in your email signature and on printed materials. 
  • Creating content that showcases the personal side of your agency typically attracts the most engagement (i.e., work anniversaries, new hires, long-time clients, charitable events, etc.). 
  • Posts that include a photo or video typically outperform posts that are only text. 
  • Video posts typically see more engagement than posts with a photo or posts without media.
  • Engage with your followers when they engage with your content by responding to comments your followers make on your content.

Ready to boost your agency’s digital marketing strategy?

If you have any questions about what we discussed in the podcast episode or how BrightFire can help your agency take your social media and advertising strategy to the next level with our Social Media Marketing and Search Engine Marketing services, please schedule a call with sales.

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