Chicagoland SIA & BrightFire Collaborate to Bolster Agencies’ Online Reputations

Chicagoland SIA & BrightFire Collaborate to Bolster Agencies’ Online Reputations

BrightFire is thrilled to partner with Chicagoland SIA to help bolster the online visibility and reputation of hundreds of independent insurance agencies. 

Our partner program will help agents reach their full digital marketing potential as we combine BrightFire’s comprehensive suite of insurance marketing solutions with Chicagoland SIA’s robust network and consultation services.

Founded by the SAN Group and SIAA in 2005, Chicagoland SIA is committed to providing independent agents the opportunity to find the path to profitability. Their consultative approach, free online resources, access to personal and commercial lines standard markets, and access to the SIAA Training and Learning Center all work together to help agencies successfully navigate the digital landscape.

As the Chicagoland area’s local Master Agency for SIAA, Chicagoland SIA members get all the benefits of having a local team helping them grow their agency while being part of a large, national alliance. To learn more about Chicagoland SIA and how they can support your efforts to boost your online presence, visit their website to see what’s possible.

BrightFire is proud to be named a Chicagoland SIA preferred marketing vendor. We look forward to offering all of our digital marketing services to Chicagoland SIA’s agency members, including Insurance Agency Websites, Reviews & Reputation Management, Pay-Per-Click Advertising, Social Media Marketing, and Local Listings Management.

BrightFire and Chicagoland SIA will also host webinars to help educate independent agents on how to make the most of their digital marketing efforts to build their agency’s online presence, generate more leads, and grow their books of business.

For more information on BrightFire’s partner program with Chicagoland SIA, please contact us.

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